Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Fence for Pete's sake!?

Another posting that isn't really in the intended art vein. Oh, well.

Friends have been transfered to a project on the fence between Texas and Mexico. I'm embarrassed! Is this our so elegant (not) version of the Berlin wall? I don't see that it serves anyone. People south of our border need work and money. We need laborers. These are our neighbors, former owners of much of our country. These are people!!! Why oh why do we want to keep them out?

There is a legitimate financial concern that people who work here and live here and don't pay taxes put an unfair burden on those who do pay taxes. So, charge them taxes. Sign them up to work here on a time-boxed and authorized basis and charge income tax. They already pay sales tax. Charge the employer, just like for citizens.

Where do we get the right to bar someone from a job over a political boundary? How can we let someone live in poverty a stone's throw from our doors? I don't get it. If someone from another country works here, make them pay taxes, if they break the law, deport them.

Yes, I'm in favor of different treatment for our neighbors than for other countries. Because they can walk here. They can work here and go home daily or periodically. Some are indeed seeking citizenship and should follow the rules and limits of all others. Many just want to work and go home. Yes, they send money home. So do others from other countries. They also spend money here.

1 comment:

Handmade pottery online shop said...

Great post, Now i think you should start again....