Here are the photos I mentioned in the previous post. The one on bottom right is the original, of course. This is a house near the boys' new preschool. Which do you like?
i like all of them although the third seems a little more washed out and for that reason i probably wouldn't choose it. black and white is definitely my favourite, the sepia reminds me of old western photographs.
Here I will talk about life and art. What I see, what I'm working on, what others have done, how it relates to life, how life creates art, and on and on.
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I'd like to engage readers in discussion, cause one to pause for thought or art appreciation, prompt art projects, show off what I'm working on, basically just interact across the net.
PLEASE leave your comments. I'd love to hear from you.
i like all of them although the third seems a little more washed out and for that reason i probably wouldn't choose it. black and white is definitely my favourite, the sepia reminds me of old western photographs.
yeah, the original is over exposed- the new camera tends to do that. I am learning to adjust. I shoot in aperture bias.
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